Friday, 16 December 2016

16/12/16 Revision

Revenue Stream

Identify and explain the revenue stream for a website (3 marks)

Revenue stream - funding/money used to pay for a production

Funding methods

  • Sponsorship
  • Advertising
  • Crowd funding (not applicable to a website question)
Explain why a method is suitable


Legal & Ethical

To avoid legal issues, permission must be gained

Legal Issues
  • Intelectual Proprty
  • Copyright, designs and patents act (similar to intellectual property, includes: images, text and music)
  • Data protection act
Identify and explain one legal issue and the impact it would have on the production of an app 
(3 marks)

  1. Copyright, design and patents act
  2. Images of food/location/logo
  3. Gain permissions to prevent prosecution
Ethical Issues

Offensive representations of people

Identify and explain one ethical issue and the impact it would have on the production of an app

  1. Storyline/narrative features a range of areas in Yorkshire
  2. Language used (pre-watershed)
  3. Representation of genders
Identify two legal and ethical issues that need to be considered and the impact it would have on production.


Regulatory Bodies

Identify a relevant regulatory body applicable to the scenario

Website/app - W3C, ASA, IPSO

Other regulatory bodies
  • PRS
  • PEGI
  • BBFC

Evaluation Question (Visualisation Diagram)

Evaluation Question (Visualisation Diagram)

  1. Introduction - What is it? Why is it effective?
  2. Effective features of a visualisation diagram (5 points) - Explaining why, examples from the brief
  3. Ineffective features of a visualisation diagram (2 points) 
  4. Conclusion - summary of how it is effective
Storyboard (Promotional Video)
  • Describe location (not just EXT/INT)
  • Camera movement arrows, describe them in the description
  • Logo (title graphic)
  • Slogan
  • Close up of product
  • Every square should have non-diegetic music

Friday, 9 December 2016

Revision Mindmaps

Effectiveness of a visualisation diagram

  1. Fit for purpose
  2. Strength
  3. How well 
  4. Usefulness

To prove the documents usefulness:

  • Use examples from the brief
  • Personnel - Job Roles
  • Features that make it effective

What makes a visualisation diagram effective?
  • Helps you to see what the final product will look like
  • Helps you visualise layout and house style of the final product
  • Helps you visualise the page layout
  • Allows you to get feedback from audiences and clients
  • Annotations
  • Illustration to represent the layout

How can a visualisation diagram be ineffective?

  • Can lead to a designer being stuck on an idea (trying too hard to make it look like the diagram instead of making what looks best).
  • Structure isn't always clear, needs to be supported by a site map
  • Annotations aren't detailed enough
  • Illustrations are limited in regards to interacting with the website/app
Structure of evaluation question

  • Introduction - state why it is important in the development stages of making the product
  • Effectiveness - Give 5 reasons why the document is effective (support with examples from the brief)
  • Ineffective - Give 2-3 reasons of how the document may not be effective
  • Conclusion - "Overall ... is an effective document in the development stages of making a ..."

Storyboard Exam Tips

  • Don't spend more than 25 minutes on a storyboard
  • Annotations will be provided
  • Don't draw stickmen
  • Annotations are as important as drawing

Monday, 21 November 2016

Primary Research Mock feedback

Primary Research Mock feedback

To improve I need to:

  • Link back to the question - on the last question I explained why it is important to sample all genders during research but I didn't explain it in regards to the designing of the logo which is what the question asked.
  • Revise the advantages and disadvantages of open ended questions
Exam Tips
  • Highlight key words from the question
  • Explain - give reasons, "because" (3-6 marks)
  • Evaluate - strengths/weaknesses (20 marks)

LO4: Question 10 Evaluation

LO4: Question 10 Evaluation

The question will always contain the words evaluate, and effectiveness.

Types of pre-production documents you could be asked to evaluate:

  • Mindmap
  • Moodboard
  • visualisation diagram
  • SWOT
  • Blue sky thinking
  • Storyboard
  • Script
  • Sitemap diagram 
  • How useful the document is
  • Why it is important
  • Link to scenario
  • The conventions of the document
Conventions are advantages, the consequences of missing/incomplete information are the disadvantages.



Should aim to spend at least 20 minutes on the final 20 mark question

15 minutes per drawing question

Visualisation Diagram Analysis

Brand name (masthead, should usually be at the top of the page)
Product name
Image of product
Large font
Limited amount of text
Web link
Product description


Justify designs (e.g. house style; link this to brief)
In sentences, using key terms.


Questions 8&9 are both out of 6 marks. In the mock you will have to draw two things. You could have to draw a visualisation diagram for a poster, a storyboard, script.

Monday, 14 November 2016

LO3: Research

LO3: Research

Research takes place in the pre-production stage of producing a product. This is because the information discovered through research is needed for the later stages of production. Two methods of collecting data are primary, and secondary research.

Types of research

Audience research - Any communication research that is conducted on specific audience segments to gather information about their attitudes, knowledge,interests, preferences, or behaviours.

Market research - Provides information on the desired characteristics of a product or service is called product research. Market research allows you to see if there is a gap in the market and compare competitors.

Product research - Research into the product itself. This is done by collecting source material, establishing how viable the project is and finding locations.

Who conducts research?

  • NRS - National Readership Survey
  • BARB - 
  • RAJAR - 

Friday, 11 November 2016

LO4: Questions 8&9 of the Unit 2 exam

LO4: Questions 8&9 of the Unit 2 exam

In the exam you will be asked to draw at least two pre-production documents. Marks are awarded on: content (1 mark), fitness for purpose (3 marks), Use of annotations to justify your decisions (2 marks).

Content - does it look like the product you've been asked to draw? does it include the key features of that product?

Fitness for purpose - Just like the content, this is about the features of what you have drawn being relevant for the brief/scenario.

Annotations to justify decisions - Making detailed notes to explain: housestyle, appeal to target audience, the brief.

LO4: Visualisation Diagram

LO4: Visualisation Diagram

A visualisation diagram is a sketch that represents the layout of a product

Media products that use a visualisation diagram in the pre-production stages include: website (this is called a wireframe), DVD cover, magazine, advert (print).

Visualisation diagrams are used for all products that will be printed and interactive products.

Home screen - first/main screen of an app/game/website.

Monday, 7 November 2016

LO3: Forms

LO3: Forms

Once a production schedule of the tasks are organised, the following forms would need to be created:

Call Sheet

A call sheet would be used for anything that needs to be filmed. The form would need to be made before the shoot so that everyone knows where they need to be, what time they need to be there and what the need to bring.

A contingency is a back up plan

LO3: Production Schedules & Forms

LO3: Production Schedules & Forms

A production schedule includes dates of when things will be filmed, the budget, tasks to be completed, resources (Hardware/Software, People). A production schedule allows you to be organised. A production schedule would be used by producers and directors; the producer would also make the production schedule. Essential everyone involved in the production will see the production schedule.

Production Schedule is based on road safety computer game

A production schedule can also be described as a project management tool.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used programs to make a production schedule.

Identify one type of project management tool that could be used to keep track of the project tasks and explain why it is suitable for this task. (3 marks)

A type of project management tool I have studied is a production schedule. This tool is suitable for the task of keeping track of project tasks as it allows you to list all the tasks that need completing in order to finish your product and it also allows you to map out how long you desire to spend on each task. The table-style design of the schedule also allows you to see if any of the tasks overlap. 

Assessor: Monique. marks: 2 for the last mark you just need to add what is in it 

Monday, 17 October 2016

LO1 - Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues

An ethical issue is an issue that relates to peoples moral principles. Examples of ethical issues are: maintaining confidentiality and maintain someones privacy. Being ethical means doing the right/moral thing.

1) Freedom of speech (i.e. trolling, incitement, defamation)

2) Use of disturbing imagery (explicit sex, explicit violence)

3) Use of offensive materials (racism, sexism, homophobia, use of language (swearing))


Being unethical in a media product could lead to a fine, lawsuit/ court proceedings, revoking of product, damage reputation (leading to a loss of business).

Tutor feedback for Unit 2 mock: legal issues and regulatory bodies

Monday, 10 October 2016

Key Personnel in media industries

Key personnel are people who are critically important in the production of a film.

Production Stages

1. Pre-production - Creating the scripts, storyboards and schedule. Identifying necessary locations, props, cast members, costume, visual and special effects.

2. Production - This includes all the actual making of the media product. this will involve filming, photography, graphics and sound recording.

3. Post-production  -This includes any ways in which the media product is edited. This can involve the use of CGI and special effects, digital manipulation, sub-editing processes, and audio editing techniques.

Monday, 3 October 2016

LO1 - Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory Bodies

A regulatory body is a public authority that is responsible for some area of media activity; they control the output of media products. It is important to regulate media products to make sure that they aren't breaking any laws (e.g. copyright infringement, data protection act etc.). If a regulatory body doesn't approve of a product it could be banned and the production company could be prosecuted. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Research Task - Examples of media products

Legal issues of media products

TV Production – Stoptober

For this campaign the legal issues that would need to be considered are: the Freedom of Information Act (2000), the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Copyright, Design and Patents Act (1998). The Stoptober campaign is run by the NHS, which is a public sector organisation meaning that according to the Freedom of Information Act it must release information it holds regarding the general public. The intended purpose of the campaign is to get people to sign up to their program for the month of October in order to help them quit smoking. This is where the data protection act becomes relevant as when people are signing up to the program they will have to enter their personal details (name, address, health records), which the company has a legal requirement to keep safe by using methods of encryption. As when producing any media product the NHS must follow the Copyright, Design and Patents act to make sure no one else has used the term “Stoptober” in their campaign.

Social media campaign – sponsored Snapchat filters

For this campaign the legal issues that would need to be considered are: the Copyright, Design & Patents Act (1998), the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Intellectual Property Act. When they company (e.g. Crunchie, Gatorade, Taco Bell) is working with Snapchat to create their filter they must make sure they don’t use any copyrighted images or slogans and when people use the filters take pictures of themselves, Snapchat must make sure that the photo is not used inappropriately as it is that persons intellectual property.

Digital animation – South Park

The main legal issue that needs to be considered in this example is slander. South Park is Infamous for making jokes about celebrities and imitating them in crude fashion; such as in the 2001 episode “Super best friends” when the Muslim prophet was portrayed as a fire bending magician.

Radio Production – TalkSport

The two legal issues that need to be considered for the production of TalkSport are the Data Protection Act (1998) and Slander. TalkSport often has listeners call in to the show to voice their opinion on various sporting topics. When calling the show, listeners may have to input certain personal details. TalkSport has a legal obligation to keep peoples personal data safe and secure. This is usually done through means of encryption. On the show presenters often discuss the performance of certain athletes; when doing this they have to make sure they do not state false truths or insult the athletes in any way, as this would be classed as slander and the show could face a lawsuit.

Graphic Novel – The Walking Dead

When creating a graphic novel like The Walking Dead, the main legal issue the creators have to take into account is the Copyright, Design & Patents act (1998). The creators have to make sure that the story they write, characters they create and artwork they use do not resemble that of another media product.

Legal Issues Revision

Legal Issues Revision

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act makes public sector organisations (such as the NHS, the police and state-run schools) release information they have about the general public. They have an obligation to publish /make available information about their activities. Companies can face a fine if they do not release the information usually within a 30 day period.

Data Protection Act 1998

This act protects peoples personal data (bank account details, religious beliefs, health records, name, address). Companies must keep your personal information safe by encrypting it. They are not allowed to give you information to third parties. If a company shares your personal information they can get fined, sued and/or sent to jail. In regards to pre-production; e-commerce, competitions and surveys all require the consumer to input personal information.


The act/crime of making a written statement that isn't truthful and is potentially damaging to a person reputation. This is called deformation. This applies to any written text (magazines, newspapers, online content).


The act/crime of making a spoken statement that isn't truthful and is potentially damaging to a person reputation. This applies to media products such as TV news, chat shows, interviews.

Copyright, design & patents act 1998

Gives copyright to someone who has created something, meaning that no one else can copy it and if people want to use it they have to get your permission (if you own it). This applies to media products such as music, logos/trademarks, books, films. It controls how your product is used by others.

Intellectual Property

Protects your product regardless of whether you created it by yourself or in a group. If you create something as part of a company the organisation owns the intellectual property. This is so that if you leave a company you cannot make a profit off the idea. You could get permission to use a product by: emailing the owner, write them a letter, arranging a meeting, phone call, sometimes social media if it is less formal.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Legal issues - class presentation notes

Data Protection Act

1. Definition.
The data protection act is what controls how peoples personal information is used by government organisations and businesses. These rules make sure that data is: safe & secure, used lawfully

2. Three reasons why it's important.
The data protection act controls the way information is handled and gives legal rights to those who have information stored about them. If it is not followed correctly it could result in prosecution and severe legal issues.

3. What are the consequences of not adhering to this law?
There is a maximum fine of £500,000 but the ICO (information commissions office) have never issued a penalty more than £350,000. From the 25th of May 2018 penalties will reach a maximum of 20 million.
4. An example of where this legal issue was breached.
Hackers broke into Sony's online store and stole lots of peoples information, courts held Sony liable.
5. How does this law effect the pre-production of a media product? Give examples.
During the pre-production of a media product the data protection act affects it in several ways. The company is obliged to securely hold the information and details for those involved such as the cost and crew. Companies keep data safe by using things like strong password management, anti-spyware software and ensuring there are backups of data.

Intellectual Property Rights

1. Definition.
Intellectual property rights are he protections granted to the creators of IP and include trademarks, copyright, patents, industrial design and in some jurisdictions trade secrets.
2. Three reasons why it's important.
It supports high paying jobs as it employs over 55 million Americans and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Drives economic growth and competetiveness, America is worth $5.8 trillion more than any othe country in the world. Strong and enforced IPR protect customers and families, it helps consumers make an educated choice
3. What are the consequences of not adhering to this law?
When a creator creates their work they can copyright it so only they and anyone they allow to use it can use it and if they don't have rights to the work and use it then the case of copyright infringement may be filled.
4. An example of where this legal issue was breached.
Amazon was granted a patent for 1-click technology on September 28th 1999. There was a patent infringement lawsuit filed against Barnes & Noble in 1999; the company offered a checkout option called "express lane" which also enabled shoppers to make a purchase with just one click. The lawsuit was settled in 2002
5. How does this law effect the pre-production of a media product? Give examples.
This affects the pre-production of a media product as it means they have to get the rights to the image or music they use so big production companies partner or collaborate for a big film so the both get recognised for it and both are fairly paid for it. Both gain from it as Ellie Goulding has done work with films.

Libel & Slander

1. Definition.
The act/crime of making a written statement that isn't truthful and is potentially damaging to a persons reputation.
The act/crime of making a spoken statement that isn't truthful and is potentially damaging to a persons reputation.
2. Three reasons why it's important.
to protect yourself from prosecution, to avoid broadcasting false information to an impressionable audience and to avoid large financial loss.
3. What are the consequences of not adhering to this law?

4. An example of where this legal issue was breached.
The high court rules Sally Bercow's tweet about Lord McAlpine was Libellous. If the law is breached accidentally the lawsuit can be dropped.
Robbie Williams sued his celebrity look alike who was pretending to be the real Robbie Williams.
5. How does this law effect the pre-production of a media product? Give examples.
For both libel and slander it is imperative that the information you are providing be truthful down to the last detail. 

Copyright, design & patents act 1998

1. Definition.
Copyright is claiming ownership of literary
2. Three reasons why it's important.
It is a legal requirement, it allows you to get credited for your work and it protects your rights.
3. What are the consequences of not adhering to this law?
The courts can impose a potential fine of up to £50,000 and a custodial sentence of up to 10 years.
4. An example of where this legal issue was breached.
Puff Daddy stole the melody from The Police's song "Every breath you take"
5. How does this law effect the pre-production of a media product? Give examples.
You have to be cautious during pre-production as it is sometimes hard to avoid using copyrighted material meaning that it has to be scanned several times to make sure all material used is your own.

Monday, 12 September 2016

LO1 - Legal Issues

What does crowd funding mean?
Crowd funding is when a project is funded by donations from the public-correct
State two advantages for an independent project
Independent projects tend to be cheaper as there are usually less staff embers that need paying a salary more freedom over what you raise your money for.
More money goes to your project because you have no subsidiaries
State two disadvantages for an independent project
Harder to advertise the project as there are no subsidiaries that can be used to spread the word about the project
Can be hard to get money if there is a lack of fan base
Social media can also be used for advertisement i.e. Facebook , Instagram

Assessor: Matt Frost

Legal Issues
Permit to film at a certain location (release & consent form)
Health & Safety (Risk Assessment)

LO1: Legal issues presentation

LO1: Legal issues presentation

1. Definition.
2. Three reasons why it's important.
3. What are the consequences of not adhering to this law?
4. An example of where this legal issue was breached.
5. How does this law effect the pre-production of a media product? Give examples.

My Group

Freedom of Information Act 2000

1. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities. It does this in two ways; public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities, and members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities.


2. It is important because it allows people to "check up on" public authorities to make sure they aren't doing anything wrong and because it allows people to find out what public authorities know about them.